
Well Done Sir. Well Done.

This is an old picture. Many of you have probably already seen it. It is a fine example of how a determined man, armed only with a piece of scrap posterboard and a magic marker can carve out a place for himself in the Pantheon of Iconic Images (PII).

The best part of this picture is that I was there. That's right. This was taken right in front of the Augusta National Golf Club in 2003, and I walked right past that guy. At the time it was the most brilliant thumb-in-the-eye I'd ever seen. I'd be hard pressed to find one I like better now.

On a side note, I also met Martha Burke. She was about 4'5" and as she passed I could have easily pushed her down a flight of stairs; an action I'm CONVINCED would have given me cult celebrity status in Augusta. She stomped around my workplace, barked out orders, and generally paraded herself around as a grade-A turd-in-a-box. I probably would have been off probation by now...

Anyway, being in Augusta at that point was really something. All those people drove into town, most of the women pissed off and fit to be tied, most of the men drunk and laughing at the women. The thing that I don't think Martha Burke realized when she opened that can of worms was that those old men in that old club didn't give two duck farts about the image they were sending to the world at large.

Those guys combined have more cash than the GNP of most developing nations AND they're old. There is no tougher nut to crack than a rich old man. They've lived their lives, they have means, and they don't like anyone or anything besides sitting in a smokey room playing cards and talking down to the help. That's why I love every one of them.

All of this rambling to say this: I was there. I saw this event unfold. I laughed then, I'm laughing now, and I will continue to laugh until I'm an old, crabby, cranky, (hopefully) filthy stinking rich old curmudgeon.

Comedy Gold.

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