

Sometimes when I look at a person it becomes shockingly clear that they were put on this earth to do one thing. What that one thing is varies from person to person, but one look at them tells you that their path in life is clear. It's not something that happens very often, but when it does it's almost like an epiphany. Like the hand of GOD reaching down and giving you a little tappity tap on the skull and you have an "Ah HA!" moment. You don't even have to ask their occupation/vocation/aspiration. You know.

This is a picture of Kimbo Slice.

He was put here on this earth to bludgeon you with his fists until you fall down and bleed; yea verily perhaps until you drown in your own blood. Then he laughs, gold teeth twinkling in the noon-day sun, until finally he is tired of laughing and he rifles through your pockets taking what is now his.

If you are unfamiliar with this gentleman I implore you to look him up on YouTube. I recommend his earlier works...they will be the ones set in parking lots and back yards (gardens if you like), and generally any other outdoor setting one might find in a pornographic movie.

I like Kimbo. I enjoy watching him as he works. Surely he is doing EXACTLY what he was put here to do. Must be nice to have your path laid out so neatly!

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