
From the "WTF Files"

This is 15 year old Miley Cyrus.

Let me re-iterate one more time that the photo above is of 15 Year Old Miley Cyrus, daughter of former mullet casualty Billy Ray Cyrus, best known for his daughter, 15 year old Miley Cyrus.

I keep reinforcing her age for good reason. Evidently the good people that bring you LifeStyles brand condoms have approached young Ms. Cyrus with a briefcase containing $1,000,000(US) and an offer to be a pitch-girl for their contraceptives.

I can see it now. Giant billboards with this minor on them, holding a cucumber with a glittery rubber on it, huge crooked smile on her face. Caption: "Condoms are Super-Neato!" Or "Let's Play Grown-Up!"

Generally I'm not a tight-wad about taboo subjects. I rather like to push the envelope of what people are comfortable talking about (if not always in this blog). However, even I have to draw the line at sexing up minors. I realize that's the way society is trending, but if society was trending towards taking out an adjustable rate mortgage for more than you can afford would you...well, maybe a bad example.

The point is that 15 year old little girls are not supposed to try and sell me jimmy-hats. I don't want to buy prophylactic from a "Tween Superstar". I will not argue with the people who say, "Well, I was doing it at that age!" Or, "It's not like she doesn't know how to use them!" These are probably fair and true statements. But shouldn't we hold off the public objectification of women until they're in college? Because really, isn't that what those 6 years are for?

So, either this is one of those internet hoaxes that some uber-geek is in his attic bedroom laughing about, or we are officially on our way to purchasing a handbasket to travel in. I am inclined to think the latter. But if it is true, KUDOS to you guys running LifeStyles brand condoms; you really know how to make yourselves look like a bunch of perverts.

Here's a link to the original story: Thank Heaven, for little...nevermind

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