
Safety First

It sure took long enough! Finally, a school system has said it is OK for their teachers to carry a concealed weapon onto school grounds. Leave it to Texas to be on the cutting edge of this concept.

I have mixed feelings. I like the idea of teachers having guns, but thinking back on all the teachers I had in high school I have a hard time coming up with one or two that I would trust with a firearm; especially in a life-threatening situation.

The article goes on to say that teachers wanting to bring their piece into the classroom will have to pass a flurry of tests and have permits and whatnot. They're also not releasing the number of teachers that will be packing heat...just to keep the bad guys guessing.

I guess this is the wave of the future. If I taught high school I'd want a smoke-wagon on my hip to discourage all those little a-holes from trying anything. Just to let them know that I'm not gonna take any lip from their non-respect-giving-selves. "You want to contest your grade? Are you sure?" "Your parents want a conference? Really??"

I give it 6 months before this headline comes out: "Texas Teacher Pistol-Whips Student for Sassy Back Talk." I should take odds on this.

To read the complete story, click here: God Bless Texas

1 comment:

green73vette said...

Have you been inside a public school lately? I would be packing Clint's 44 mag!