

Reports are in that about 125,000 gorillas have been located in the Republic of Congo, nearly tripling the number of gorillas we know about on Earth.

This got me thinking. 125,000 gorillas is not a small amount of gorillas. For those of you who cannot picture a gorilla, may I present you a representation:

Here's another fun fact. The first time a Westerner laid eyes on a live gorilla was 1856. My fraternity has been around that long. Before then, gorillas were unknown outside of the small parts of Africa that they occupied. Even then there were only eyewitness accounts. In the wild gorillas aren't EASY to find or photograph, mostly people just see their nests or droppings or whatever.

So my point is this...how did 125,000 gorillas go unnoticed? Those guys can get almost 6 feet tall and can weigh up to 500lbs. 500 lbs!! That's a big monkey. It makes me wonder what else we're missing out there. If we can overlook a population of 500 lb. primates, why is it such a stretch that we can overlook another big hairy primate...like Sasquatch?

Not to sound like a nut case, but I believe they're out there. I mean, why not? If we can overlook more than a HUNDRED THOUSAND GORILLAS...

I'm not saying, I'm just saying. I like the thought that we haven't discovered everything there is to discover in this big world of ours. I think it keeps us humble.

Just a little food for thought on this lazy Tuesday.

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