
Difference of Opinion

The Wife and I were sitting down to watch some tube the other night, and I happened to flip it over to National Geographic, one of my favorite channels. They were showing a program called "Taboo" where they look at the crazy things all the crazy people from all those crazy backwards countries do to themselves, their animals, and their children.

This particular episode focused on the different ways children were treated in society. After the 5-year old breast-feeder from Australia (he was on the breast, not a breastfeeding 5-year old), and the crazy Muslim kids who cut themselves in the streets due to grief over some special person in the history of their religion, we were whisked away to magical Thailand...land of the Muay Thai kids.

It seems that Thailand deems it socially acceptable to match up children as young as 3 to battle it out in the ring whilst crazy "adults" bet on which toddler will knock out the other toddler first. Now I don't think it really does any harm...they have on boxing gloves and I seriously doubt a 3 year old is going to be able to muster enough strength to do any serious damage to another 3 year old; but my wife....oooooooooooooo....

You would have thought that they were sacrificing the children publicly. Like perhaps they were tearing them limb from limb and feeding them to wild pigs. She was ENRAGED. She even sassed the dad of 6 who turned the rear of his hovel into a training facility for the kids. He was very proud. They seemed well-adjusted. But my wife was ready to film an infomercial asking for donations to put an end to the abuse and exploitation of the fighting children in Thailand.

The whole time I only had one thought in my head. I thought quietly to myself, "Self, it's true those kids are being trained to fight...but you know, I bet they don't cry and I bet they don't whine because daddy won't give them a candy bar."

There's definitely something to be said for a kid that doesn't whine or cry. We could use WAY more of them in this country. Maybe I'll start a little-kid dojo. Straight up Cobra Kai style...

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